Minds Matter Philadelphia | Minds Matter Across America

Minds Matter Across America showcases the incredible work of our chapters through interviews with program leaders, long-time volunteers, exceptional students, and local Board members.. Follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram to catch every update!

This month, we’re featuring Minds Matter Philadelphia!

During this year’s new student orientation at Minds Matter Philadelphia, a senior walked into the classroom and said to Heather Hahn, Head of Programs: “I convinced half these sophomores to sign up!”

For Heather, a seven-year volunteer veteran, that story is the heart of Minds Matter Philadelphia. More than just test prep or help with college essays, Minds Matter Philly is a community.

That same sense of community is what  brought Heather to Minds Matter, first learning about the organization through grad school friends.  After seeing the student’s dedication and the volunteer’s passion, Heather realized Minds Matter was her community.

Heather’s first role was as Program Director for Philadelphia’s innovative freshman year program, unique in the Minds Matter network.  During this special 10-week social-emotional learning intensive, students learn about growth mindset and study their own personalities to best understand how to succeed.  Not only does the program prepare students to enter Minds Matter, but it’s also the first step in building the community of transformation that powers the chapter’s success.

To learn more, please visit MindsMatterPhilly.org!